Domestic Violence

Contact Information

Domestic Violence Response Team
Phone: (732) 721-5600, Ext. 3620
(This number is not a hotline.)

Capt. Michael J. Snee
Phone: (732) 721-5600, Ext. 3310
Fax:      (732) 607-7938

If you are in immediate danger, dial 9-1-1

Domestic Violence is a crime. If you see it, hear it or feel it - Report It!

Our counselors can provide victims with helpful and useful information that will aid them in the future.

The Domestic Violence Crisis Team is always seeking new team volunteers. Click here to learn how to become a volunteer.

The team offers free confidential crisis intervention services, including immediate contact with victims, along with information and referral data, assisting services and telephone numbers.

The team can provide or arrange advice for:

  • Bilingual communication

  • Safe Housing - Shelter

  • Information on legal rights

  • Court preparation and accompaniment for restraining order

  • Drop-in counseling

  • Support Groups

  • Community education

Team members respond to police headquarters and assist officers with interview/referral information and assist the police with restraining order preparation.

Domestic violence is not limited to physical abuse.  Emotional, sexual or threat tactics are also forms of domestic violence. 

Examples of abuse are: 

  • Harassment and intimidation

  • Physical assault including punching, slapping, hitting, pushing, choking, kicking

  • Threats of physical assault

  • Forced sexual activity

  • Restraint or confinement against one's will

  • Name calling and put-downs which destroy someone's self-esteem

Click here to learn more about signs of abuse.

The Domestic Violence Act applies to: 

A person 18 years of age or older, or an emancipated minor, who has been subjected to domestic violence by a spouse, former spouse, or any other person who is a present or a former household member; any person, regardless of age, who has been subjected to domestic violence by a person with whom the victim has a child in common or if one of the parties is pregnant or has had a dating relationship.

For more information, visit the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence.