Utilities & Services

Recycling (M.C.I.A.) - The Middlesex County Improvement Authority provides bi-monthly curbside recycling collection in the township. They can be reached at 800-488-6242.

Sanitation - Old Bridge does not provide sanitation services for household solid waste or bulk items such as furniture, couches, construction debris, etc. The following companies provide garbage collection in the township. It is an open market and you have the option of contracting with the hauler of your choice. Full list of recycling services.

Telephone Service provided by Verizon

Water & Sewer - Provided by the Old Bridge Municipal Utilities Authority (OBMUA), an autonomous body of Old Bridge, consisting of a five-member board and two alternates appointed by the Township Council. The Board employs an Executive Director who is responsible for the daily operations of the Authority. Customer charges provide the funds to pay for the system's maintenance, expansion of lines, improvement of services and retirement of debt. For sewerage disposal and processing purposes, the Authority is a participant in the Middlesex County Utilities Authority. The Authority is responsible for the supply of water to fill the needs of residences and businesses. It maintains and operates its own internal sewer and water distribution systems and maintains a water treatment plant. The Authority has adequate capacity as well as water mains to provide water services for current and future needs.

The OBMUA can be reached at 732-566-2534 or email: 