Contact Us

One Old Bridge Plaza
Thomas J. English Administration Building
2nd Floor, Room 211

Office Hours:
Monday - Friday; 7:00am - 3:00pm

Daniel Holihan, Zoning Officer II
(732) 721-5600 Ext. 2461

Documents, Applications, Forms, and Fees:
Please send all Zoning Permits to the attention of the Building Department for processing. Failure to do so may delay the processing of your application

To file a complaint and/or OPRA Request, please click the link below.

Zoning Department

The Old Bridge Township Zoning office is staffed with a one full time Zoning Officer. The Zoning Office is the first Old Bridge Township official with whom the typical property owner meets in the process of making an application to develop vacant land or upgrade existing properties for minor activities including adding a shed or fence to more complicated projects such as the construction of a new development.

The intent and purpose of zoning is to promote public health, safety, and general welfare through appropriate land use. Our Zoning Officers work in collaboration with the Township's Administrator and Mayor’s Office, Township Planner, Township Engineer, Construction Code Official and a variety of other departments to ensure orderly and compliant development and activities within the Township of Old Bridge.

The Township of Old Bridge's Land Development Ordinance, Chapter 250 is administered and enforced by the Zoning Office. The Zoning Office reviews and approves applications for zoning permits. The Zoning Officer also investigates complaints of zoning violations and takes appropriate enforcement action. In order to prevent violations and assist in compliance, the Zoning Officer also meets with property owners, business managers, real estate agents and land use professionals to provide information.

Zoning Permits are required for many projects; including but not limited to:

  • Additions

  • Decks

  • Fences

  • Sheds

  • Pools

  • Change of use in a Commercial Building

  • New Single Family Homes

  • Commercial Construction